Sermon – The Meeting of the Lord in the Temple
The Meeting of the Lord in the Temple (Candlemas) In the first Old Testament reading we heard yesterday evening at Vespers, God gives Moses the following commandment: “Sanctify unto Me
Sermon – 15th Sunday of Luke
15th Sunday of Luke (Zacchaeus) Luke 19:1–10 “The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which hath been lost”. Today’s Gospel shows us how the love of
Sermon – 14th Sunday of Luke
14th Sunday of Luke (Healing of the blind man) Luke 18:35–43 “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” — John 20:29 Many of the Sunday Gospel
Sermon – 12th Sunday of Luke
12th Sunday of Luke (Healing of the Ten Lepers) In the parables of the Lord, we see three different groups of people, who symbolise the three types of believers: the
Sermon – Sunday after Theophany
Sunday after Theophany In one of the prophecies we heard at the Great Blessing of the Waters at Theophany, a verse from Isaiah, the Lord says the following: “For as
Sermon – Theophany
Theophany Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Matthew 3:13-17 Dearly beloved brethren in Christ, In the apostolic reading, there is a key word: ‘heirs’. St Paul says that we became heirs of the
Sermon – Circumcision of Christ
Circumcision of Christ Today, the secular world celebrates the beginning of the new year. For the Church, however, today is not the first day of the year — the Church year
Sermon – Entry of the Mother of God
Entry of the Mother of God The Church celebrates today the Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple. The righteous forebears of God, Joachim and Anna,
Sermon – 13th Sunday of Luke
13th Sunday of Luke Luke 18:18-27 In today’s Gospel reading, we hear the well-known story of the rich man who came to Jesus to ask what one must do to
Sermon – Synaxis of the Holy Archangels
Synaxis of the Holy Archangels Every morning and evening, as well as at every Divine Liturgy, faithful Christians recite the Symbol of Faith, the confession into which they were baptised